2030 EU Energy Security, the Role of the Eastern Mediterranean Region

The significant discoveries of natural gas in the Levant basin, particularly in the Leviathan, Tamar and Aphrodite fields, have raised several questions.

How will the recently discovered hydrocarbon impact the region's energy security? How will natural gas change the geopolitical landscape of the Eastern Mediterranean? And will Eastern Mediterranean gas contribute in diversifying the EU's sources of supply in line with Europe's quest to strengthen its energy security?

The aim of the conference is provide realistic and objective answers to the questions raised. The conference will provide a platform for a rich debate around the importance of the new discoveries on both a regional and international level. Our speakers will also highlight the prerequisites and limitations to sourcing the market with natural gas supply.

Preliminary Programme

13:30 – 14:30 Registration – Coffee Reception

14:30 – 14:40 Welcome Speech: Dr. GKANOUTAS-LEVENTIS Angelos Vice Chairman, Greek Energy Forum

14:40 – 14:50 Keynote Address: MALOSSE Henri President, EESC

14:50 – 15:50 Panel 1 Moderator: Dr. ANDRIOSOPOULOS Kostas Director, Research Centre for Energy Management at ESCP Europe; Vice Chairman, DEPA S.A.

  • LAKKOTRYPIS Yiorgos Energy Minister of Cyprus
  • MANIATIS Ioannis Energy Minister of Greece
  • RISTORI Dominique Directorate-General for Energy - European Commission
  • ZEMACH Shaul – Former Director General, Ministry of Energy and Water Resources, Israel

15:50 – 17:05 Panel 2 Moderator: BUFFETAUT Stephane President TEN Section, EESC

  • LIVANIOS Anthony CEO, Energy Stream CMG
  • MATHER Peter Group Regional Vice President for Europe, BP
  • RIGAS Mathios Chairman & CEO, Energean Oil & Gas
  • SCOUFIAS Rikard Head of Country, TAP AG
  • MITROPOULOS Costas Executive Director, PWC Greece

17: 05 – 18: 20 Panel 3 Moderator: AYAT Karen Partner and Contributor, Natural Gas Europe

  • BORCHARDT Klaus-Dieter Director of Internal Energy Market, DG Energy, EU Commission
  • BRANDSMA Charlotte East Mediterranean Program Coordinator, German Marshal Fund
  • GOUDEON Patrick – Director, ESCP Europe London Campus
  • KREMLIS George – Head of Cohesion Policy and Environmental Impact

18:20 – 18:30 Conclusions: LAGAKOS Alexandros Chairman, Greek Energy Forum

18:30 – 20:30 Cocktail Reception 

To reserve your seat, please contact rsvp@gasdialogues.com or via the reservation link - https://eastmedenergy2014.eventsadmin.com/Tickets



European Economic and Social Committee
December 10, 2014

Rue Belliard, 99


Room: JDE 62


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