• Natural Gas News

    Achieving Universal Energy Access in Africa amid Global Decarbonization [GGP]


Africa is the most energy-deficient continent in the world, as it hosts 75 percent of the world’s population without access to electricity.

by: Gracelin Baskaran and Sophie Coste, CSIS

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Complimentary, Natural Gas & LNG News, Global Gas Perspectives, Energy Transition, Carbon

Achieving Universal Energy Access in Africa amid Global Decarbonization [GGP]

Universal access to electricity and clean cooking remains an elusive goal for most states in the region: in 2022, 600 million people lacked access to electricity on the continent, 98 percent of them located in sub-Saharan Africa. There is an urgent need for intervention given Africa’s population of 1.4 billion is forecasted to reach 2.5 billion by 2050, which, when coupled with rising incomes and urbanization, will lead to a significant increase in energy demand. This brief provides six evidence-based insights on Africa’s energy landscape before providing five recommendations on reaching universal energy access amid global decarbonization.

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