• Natural Gas News

    News.Az: “Caspian Sea Status Is Just One Side of the Coin in Trans Caspian Project”



In an interview with Azer.News, Polish research fellow Agata Loskot-Strachota reveales what gas diversification projects she thinks are most viable

by: Erica Mills

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Press Notes

News.Az: “Caspian Sea Status Is Just One Side of the Coin in Trans Caspian Project”

News.Az interviews Agata Loskot-Strachota, Energy Policy research fellow at Poland's Centre for Eastern Studies.

Development of gas supply routes, designed to solve the problem of Russia's monopoly, is one of the main things that the EU is concerned. What projects do you consider the most viable?

EU has been thinking on different ways to deal with overdependence on single source of gas imports. It is worth remembering that this is the serious problem for some of EU regions - namely South Eastern, Central Eastern Europe and the Baltics + Finland. Their exposure to risks related to possible gas supply cuts were clearly shown in the last years stress tests conducted in many European countries.

Read the full article HERE.