• Natural Gas News

    Aker Carbon Capture joins forces with Microsoft


Microsoft's digital capabilities will help Aker Carbon Capture fuel its voluntary carbon trading ecosystem.

by: Callum Cyrus

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Americas, Natural Gas & LNG News, Europe, Topics

Aker Carbon Capture joins forces with Microsoft

Aker Carbon Capture said March 23 it had secured a memorandum of understanding with Microsoft to jointly pursue digitally-enabled carbon capture, utilisation and storage opportunities.

Microsoft will work with Aker Carbon Capture to utilise digital capabilities that support the voluntary carbon market ecosystem. For example, Microsoft technology could underpin efforts to trace the origins of traded carbon and record data to support regulatory applications for carbon credits.

"CCUS is a critical solution to achieve the large carbon reductions and removals needed for the world to reach net zero emissions," said Aker Carbon Capture. "New and innovative business models that cover both physical and digital value chains and enable companies to move forward fast, are required."

Aker Carbon Capture is one of three clean energy spinouts from oil and gas contractor Aker Solutions. Though operating as an independent company, it has access to the carbon capture technology developed by its former parent. 

The company has partnership agreements with nine Scandinavian facilities, ranging from oil refineries to cement production and a ski slope, though the latter involved a pre-feasibility study. Aker Carbon Capture also has a single CCS project in the UK, conducting front end engineering and design to collect carbon from a coal-fired Scottish power plant.