• Natural Gas News

    Algeria Could Achieve Shale Gas Production of 20 bcm by 2022



Commercial production of shale gas in Algeria could start by 2022 with production averaging 20 billion cu m (bcm), Sonatrach’s CEO Saïd Sahnoun said Sunday in Algiers.

by: shardul

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Algeria Could Achieve Shale Gas Production of 20 bcm by 2022

Commercial production of shale gas in Algeria could start by 2022 with production averaging 20 billion cu m (bcm), Sonatrach’s CEO Saïd Sahnoun said Sunday in Algiers.

"We expect to enter the pilot phase of the unconventional resources exploitation in 2019 with the perspective to start production in 2022," Sahnoun said in his speech at the 9th North Africa Oil & Gas Summit, reported Algeria Press Service.

Sahnoun said output could reach 30 bcm by 2025-2027 as investments increase.

At estimated 700 trillion cubic feet (TCF), Algeria holds world’s third largest technically recoverable shale gas reserves in its seven shale basin, according the International Energy Agency (IEA).

The North African nation is encouraging foreign energy firms to invest and exploit local shale gas resources.  

Earlier this year, Statoil and Shell said they would test shale potential at Timissit Permit Licence in the Illizi-Ghadames Basin onshore Algeria.

The award was part of the Algerian Ministry of Energy and Mines, National Agency for Hydrocarbon Resources Valorisation’s (ALNAFT) Fourth International Bid Round, which was launched in January 2014.