• Natural Gas News

    AzerNews: Never Ending Story of Opportunities: Caspian Blue Energy Is Salvation for EU



The IEA says that Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan is offering game-changing potential for European and Asian energy

by: Erica Mills

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Press Notes

AzerNews: Never Ending Story of Opportunities: Caspian Blue Energy Is Salvation for EU

While the European Union is more adamant than ever to diversify away from its Russian-gas dependence, keen to free itself from its ever-growing energy needs by turning its attention further east, the energy rich Caspian states work hard to position themselves within this new blue energy race.

Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan offer game-changing potentials for energy consumers in Europe and Asia, the International Energy Agency said in its latest report, confirming those nations' capability of supplying gas to Europe.

As it happens, each state of the Caspian Sea region with some 48 billion barrels of oil and over 292 trillion cubic feet of natural gas has a burning desire to diversify its exports. Currently, the energy strategies of the Caspian states aim to reach one goal - to act an alternative supply source for Europe.

Read the full article HERE.