• Natural Gas News

    Sky News: Anti-fracking groups target WA



Anti-fracking campaigners and unconventional gas explorers in Western Australia's Kimberley region to go head-to-head in a series of public hearings next month.


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Sky News: Anti-fracking groups target WA

Anti-fracking campaigners are gearing up for a showdown with unconventional gas explorers in WA's Kimberley region ahead of a series of public hearings next month.

Environment groups and pastoralists have called for a ban on hydraulic fracturing, or 'fracking', in the Canning Basin, one of the world's largest onshore shale gas reserves.

But the oil and gas industry is trying to assure the public that the fracking process is well-regulated and not harmful to the environment.

It follows fierce opposition to the exploration and production of unconventional gas on Australia's east coast amid concerns about water contamination.  MORE