• Natural Gas News

    Financial Times: Asian LNG markets on cusp of change



The Jurong project is the clearest sign that the way the LNG markets have been priced for years may be on the cusp of change in Asia, from decades-long reliance on long-term contracts to one more based on short-term spot trading.


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Press Notes

Financial Times: Asian LNG markets on cusp of change

On a man-made island off Singapore a S$1.7bn (US$1.4bn) new liquefied natural gas import terminal is taking shape.

The Jurong facility will for the first time allow ships carrying LNG – gas cooled and shipped in tankers – to berth at the tiny city-state, providing an alternative source of supply to gas piped from neighbouring Indonesia and Malaysia.

But the larger ambition is to allow the berthing of giant LNG ships, whose cargoes can be broken down into smaller sizes to supply markets such as Vietnam, thus taking advantage of Singapore’s location between Asia’s biggest suppliers and consumers of LNG to become the regional hub for LNG trading.  MORE