• Natural Gas News

    ITAR-TASS: Austria reports 15% lower gas supply from Russia



One of explanations may be that Russia fills storage facilities and because of this less is exported to Europe, department head Bernhard Painz said

by: Sruthi

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Press Notes

ITAR-TASS: Austria reports 15% lower gas supply from Russia

The Austrian energy operator E-Control said Russian gas supply was 15% lower on September 11. One of explanations may be that Russia fills storage facilities and because of this less is exported to Europe, department head Bernhard Painz said on Austrian television.

At the same time, sources of the Austrian OMV oil and gas company said Russian partners had informed about supply reduction.

Poland’s energy company PGNIG said gas supply from Russia was 20-24% lower in the past two days. On September 8, 20% less was received at one station from Ukraine and two from Belarus. On September 9, it was 24% less.

Russia’s Gazprom did not confirm the reduction. The same volume was supplied to Poland as in the previous days - 23 mln cub/m a day, a company spokesman said.