AWE's Drover-1 Well Strikes Gas in Perth Basin
AWE Limited, as operator of Exploration Permit 455 in the Perth Basin, Western Australia, reports that Drover-1 exploration well intersected Kockatea and Carynginia shales.
The well intersected a 787 metre section of Kockatea Shale, a 257 metre section of Carynginia Shales, a 289 metre section of Irwin River Coal Measures and a 14.5 metre section of High Cliff Sandstone.
Gas readings were observed while drilling, although the significance of these readings is yet to be determined, AWE said.
This data, together with wireline logs and core samples, will be analysed and evaluated before determining the next phase of exploration activity.
Drover-1 is a vertical exploration well designed to test the unconventional gas potential in the southern area of AWE’s Perth Basin acreage. The Joint Venture partners in EP455 are: AWE Limited 81.50%; Titan Energy Limited 18.50%.