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    News.Az: Azerbaijan makes important contribution to Europe's energy security – envoy



Ambassador of Germany to Azerbaijan highlights Azerbaijan's contribution to energy security in Europe in general and Germany in particular.


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Press Notes

News.Az: Azerbaijan makes important contribution to Europe's energy security – envoy

The Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict should be resolved on the basis of two principles of international law - territorial integrity and self-determination.

Ambassador of Germany to Azerbaijan Herbert Quelle has said this in an interview with AzerTAj.

According to him, "these principles should be applied in the unity".

"As a member of the OSCE Minsk Group, Germany is actively involved in the negotiations. Unfortunately, however, the expected progress in these negotiations has not been achieved. I understand the growth of impatience caused by the protraction of the conflict. However, it is also clear that the resumption of the war will bring people to further suffering. So I'm optimistic about the continuation of the negotiation process," he stressed.

Quelle noted Azerbaijan's contribution to the energy security of Europe in general and Germany in particular.

"Azerbaijan is for us the sixth significant country, from which we import oil. The importance of Azerbaijan in the energy security of Europe will further increase with the supply of natural gas through the Southern Corridor, which is essential for Europe's energy security. It is important to adhere to the operational strategic decisions related to the peak of oil production and the exploitation of new gas fields," said the diplomat.  MORE