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    Trend: Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan have exclusive right to lay Trans-Caspian Pipeline, EU says



Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan have exclusive right to lay the Trans-Caspian Pipeline, Delegation of the European Union to Azerbaijan told Trend.

by: Sruthi

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Press Notes

Trend: Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan have exclusive right to lay Trans-Caspian Pipeline, EU says

Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan have exclusive right to lay the Trans-Caspian Pipeline, Delegation of the European Union to Azerbaijan told Trend.

“Regarding the question on the Status of the Caspian Sea, the EU has repeatedly expressed its support to the respective positions of Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan regarding the exclusive right to lay a pipeline in the Caspian Sea between the two littoral countries in line with international agreements and conventions,” the delegation said.

The delegation of the European Union to Azerbaijan also said the EU's support to the project Trans-Caspian Pipeline project remains unchanged.

This position was expressed at the highest level in Azerbaijan by Vice-President of the European Commission Maros Sefcovic during his visit to Baku in November.
The Trans-Caspian pipeline project envisages the laying of around 300 kilometers long gas pipeline under the Caspian to the shores of Azerbaijan. Further fuel can be transported to Turkey which has mutual borders with European countries.