• Natural Gas News

    Trend: Azerbaijani gas supply to EU has no alternatives



Azerbaijani gas that will be transported to EU countries via the TAP is the only possible alternative to the Russian gas supply in the near future.

by: Sruthi

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Press Notes

Trend: Azerbaijani gas supply to EU has no alternatives

Azerbaijani gas that will be transported to EU countries via the Trans Adriatic pipeline (TAP) is the only possible alternative to the Russian gas supply in the near future. Despite the proposed options of gas supply to EU countries, only TAP is the real route that today has all necessary prerequisites for being implemented on schedule.

The latest proposal on the alternative gas supply to EU was put forward by Israel. This country proposed to construct a new gas pipeline via which Israeli gas from the Tamar field can be delivered to Cyprus, Greece and Italy.

Despite the attractiveness of this project, its implementation is fraught with a number of difficulties. In particular, the construction of such a gas pipeline will be very costly and Israel also confirms that. Moreover, it is unclear who will finance this project, since there is no guarantee that it will be profitable.