• Natural Gas News

    AzerNews: Azerbaijani gas supply to Europe in focus of Rome conference



At a conference in Rome entitled "Transportation of Azerbaijani gas to Europe: Future of European energy security," Azerbaijan's role in ensuring EU energy security and the Trans-Adriatic pipeline is highlighted.


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Press Notes

AzerNews: Azerbaijani gas supply to Europe in focus of Rome conference

An international conference on transportation of Azerbaijani gas to Europe was held in Rome, Italy, AzerTag state news agency reported.

The conference entitled "Transportation of Azerbaijani gas to Europe: Future of European energy security" was held at the Ripetta Centre of the Institute of International Affairs (IIA) and brought together Italian state officials and businessmen, as well as representatives of the diplomatic corps accredited in Rome.

Addressing the event, President of IIA Ferdinando Nelli Feroci spoke about the interest of his institute in Southern Caucasus region, particularly internal and foreign policy of Azerbaijan.

Deputy Foreign Minister Marta Dassù highlighted Azerbaijan`s role in ensuring energy security of the European Union, as well as the importance of the Trans-Adriatic pipeline.

In turn, Azerbaijan`s ambassador to Italy Vagif Sadigov provided an insight into the country`s energy policy, and drew attention to efforts to implement large-scale infrastructure projects. He said Azerbaijan was a reliable partner of the EU in ensuring energy security.  MORE