Azerbaijan’s gas export price falls less than gas price in Azerbaijan itself
Over Jan-Jun 2014 gas export in Azerbaijan (acc. to the data from control-measuring devices) made up 126.8% of the 1st half of 2013. In 2013 the index grew by 8.21%. For Jan-Jun the gas share in the overall export reached 1.75% against 2.93% in 2013, 2.71% in 2012 and 2.61% in 2011.
The State Customs Committee (SCC) informs that according to control-measuring devices for Jan-Jun the country’s gas export totaled 4.259 bn cu m versus 7.294 bn cu m in 2013. In June gas export totaled 570.499 million cu m against 609.459 million cu m in May, 680.6 million cu m in April and 930.924 million cu m in January (this year’s still best month level).
According to cargo customs entries, it was registered 1.145 bn cu m for $196.3 million for Jan-Jun 2014 versus 3.035 bn cu m for $701.98 million in 2013. At that, 58.5 million cu m for $7.002 million was registered in June against 85.997 million cu m for $13.536 million in May and 289.8 million cu m for $61.4 million in January (this year’s still best index). At that, physical export of gas fell by 40.7% for Jan-Jun and earning from it by 57.5% against the first half of 2013.