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    Baker Hughes to supply electric compressors to Tellurian pipeline


It marks the first North American deployment of Baker Hughes' emissions-beating ICL compressor offering. [Image: Baker Hughes]

by: Callum Cyrus

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Baker Hughes to supply electric compressors to Tellurian pipeline

Baker Hughes will provide electric compressors to a Tellurian gas pipeline project in southwest Louisiana, using a technology anticipated to remove "almost all" emissions, Tellurian said June 29.

Tellurian's Driftwood Pipeline subsidiary will source products from Baker Hughes' Integrated Compressor Line (ICL) product range, allowing it to purchase electric-powered compressors and turbomachinery equipment. It marks the first North American deployment of Baker Hughes' emissions-beating ICL compressor offering.

The compressors are made with a hermetically-sealed casing to prevent emissions from escaping, and contain magnetic bearings that keep the compressor turning, without oil-based lubricants.

Tellurian is investing $240mn in the first phase of the Driftwood pipeline to bring 5.1mn ft3/day of low-emission gas to customers in Louisiana's Calcasieu and Beauregard districts. The first phase includes dual pipelines, developed as Line 200 and Line 300, designed to meet demand in a capacity-constrained region of southwest Louisiana drawing on Tellurian's emerging Haynesville shale gas assets. 

The ICL installation at Driftwood will consist of four Baker Hughes 19 MW ICL compressors and turbomachinery for four compressor trains, in addition to a gas turbine to be used as a backup energy source, in the initial phase of the pipeline's operation. 

Tellurian CEO and president Octavio Simoes said: "This landmark project and technology will eliminate nearly all emissions for the proposed project, which Tellurian is developing to supply natural gas to a constrained capacity area. We value Baker Hughes’ expertise and look forward to partnering on delivering cleaner solutions for an energy hungry world.”

Joey Mahmoud, president of Tellurian's pipelines unit, added: "Tellurian is doing its part by making this initial $240 million pipeline investment as part of the broader Driftwood Pipeline system which will provide enhanced supply reliability to meet the area’s projected industrial growth in a cleaner, more sustainable manner.”