• Natural Gas News

    Baker Hughes tapped for work at Aussie CCS project


Santos made a final investment decision on the Moomba CCS project in November.

by: Daniel Graeber

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Asia/Oceania, Top Stories, Australia, News By Country

Baker Hughes tapped for work at Aussie CCS project

US-based upstream services company Baker Hughes said December 16 it secured a contract from Australian energy company Santos to provide machinery for carbon capture and storage (CCS) in a depleted natural gas field.

Baker Hughes will supply equipment for the Moomba CCS facility, which could store as much as 1.7mn mt/yr of CO2 in the depleted Cooper Basin natural gas field.

“Baker Hughes will provide gas turbine, compressor and heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) technologies to compress the carbon dioxide,” the company said.

The upstream services company said its technology is a cornerstone for efforts by Santos to decarbonise natural gas, noting that blue hydrogen developments could be included in future developments.

“Through our advanced turbomachinery technology, we are supporting Santos to decarbonize natural gas while providing an opportunity to utilize CO2 as a valuable input for producing reliable energy with advanced blue hydrogen,” Rod Christie, an executive vice president at Baker Hughes, said.

A final investment decision on the Moomba CCS project was made in November.

The project was awarded a A$15mn grant earlier this year from the Australian government's Carbon Capture Use and Storage Development Fund.

Santos holds a 66.7% interest in the Moomba CCS project and will serve as the operator. First injections of CO2 are slated for 2024.

Baker Hughes offered no financial details on the Santos contract.