• Natural Gas News

    Independent: Balcombe protesters to be evicted as Ed Davey contradicts David Cameron’s claim that fracking boom can bring down energy bills



Six-week protest outside Cuadrilla's potential fracking site in West Sussex village dealt a blow as eviction order is served.


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Press Notes

Independent: Balcombe protesters to be evicted as Ed Davey contradicts David Cameron’s claim that fracking boom can bring down energy bills

More than 100 protesters against fracking company Cuadrilla’s exploratory drilling programme in Balcombe must vacate the area by nine o’clock on Tuesday morning after being served with an eviction order this afternoon.

The six-week protest outside a potential fracking site in the West Sussex village was dealt a blow as a representative of the county council, flanked by bailiffs, visited the camp along the grass verges of the London Road with the order.

“You must cease your occupation of the land before 9am Tuesday 10 September. If you do not comply with this Notice the Council will institute proceedings against you for possession of the said land without further notice,” the order read.

The protesters were due to meet last night to determine how to respond. Balcombe village resident Kathryn McWhirter said: 'We are horrified at the treatment of these dedicated people who have been here with our blessing for weeks now, helping us to protect our countryside, our health, our water, our air. The council is not acting today on behalf of the majority of residents of our village.'  MORE