• Natural Gas News

    Ormskirk Advertiser: Balcome protests could come to Banks, West Lancashire



Anti-fracking group Ribble Estuary Against Fracking (REAF) has vowed to replicate the demonstrations that are taking place in West Sussex if planning is granted at a site in Banks.


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Press Notes

Ormskirk Advertiser: Balcome protests could come to Banks, West Lancashire

ANTI-FRACKING group Ribble Estuary Against Fracking (REAF) has vowed to replicate the demonstrations that are taking place in West Sussex if planning is granted at a site in Banks.

Energy company Cuadrilla Resources has submitted a modified planning application to Lancashire County Council to carry out a number of different diagnostic well tests on their exploration well at Becconsall, near Banks.

A date for the planning meeting to review this application has not yet been confirmed.

Protesters from Lancashire joined in the march in Balcombe at the weekend. The march was followed by the arrest of Green MP, Caroline Lucas.  MORE