• Natural Gas News

    Guardian: Ban fracking, says former Tory environment secretary Caroline Spelman



Conservative MP calls for fracking moratorium as Labour says fracking should not be allowed unless regulatory loopholes are closed

by: Sruthi

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Press Notes

Guardian: Ban fracking, says former Tory environment secretary Caroline Spelman

The former Tory environment secretary, Caroline Spelman, has called for a ban on fracking in the UK ahead of a report by an influential committee of MPs that is expected to conclude fracking could derail efforts to tackle climate change.

The intervention by Spelman, a member of the Environmental Audit Committee, comes as the government’s drive for fracking came under heavy political attack on Thursday.

Anne McIntosh, Tory chair of the separate environment select committee of MPs, also mounted an assault against shale gas exploration while Labour’s shadow ministers said that fracking should not allowed until 13 regulatory “loopholes” are closed.

David Cameron has said the government is “going all out” for shale gas in the UK, claiming it would create jobs and cut the country’s reliance on imports. But opponents argue the high pressure fracturing of rocks to release gas risks health and environmental impacts and drives climate change.