• Natural Gas News

    Bangladesh Gas Reserves to Last till 2031 at Current Production Rate



Bangladesh’s natural gas reserves are expected to last till 2031 at current production rate, country’s power, energy and mineral resources minister said Sunday, reported BDnews24.com.

by: shardul

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Bangladesh Gas Reserves to Last till 2031 at Current Production Rate

Bangladesh’s natural gas reserves are expected to last till 2031 at current production rate, country’s power, energy and mineral resources minister said Sunday, reported BDnews24.com.

Of the 26 gas fields discovered in Bangladesh so far, gas is being extracted from 20, Nasrul Hamid told the Parliament.

“If the rate continues, we’ll be able to use the reserve for around 16 more years, which means until 2031,” he said.

Gas reserves stood at 27.12 trillion cubic feet of which 12.96 trillion cubic feet had been used until June, BDnews24.com quoted the minister as saying. He added that growth in gas demand will outstrip supply.

“The demand will increase in future. So it will not be possible to keep the extraction rate unchanged, if the reserve drops,” he said.