• Natural Gas News

    CNBC: AMEC CEO flags barriers to UK fracking



AMEC CEO Samir Brikho said that although shale production was "technically and environmentally feasible" in the U.K., there were geographical, legal and business culture barriers to its success.


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Press Notes

CNBC: AMEC CEO flags barriers to UK fracking

The CEO of FTSE 100 engineering firm AMEC has warned of multiple barriers preventing the U.K. from creating a shale gas industry to rival that in the U.S., which remains its only significant producer.

Supporters of fracking -- the controversial process of recovering shale gas and oil from rock -- in Britain include Prime Minister David Cameron, who has argued that shale gas development would cut the U.K.'s reliance on gas imports and create thousands of jobs.

But AMEC CEO Samir Brikho told CNBC on Tuesday that although shale production was "technically and environmentally feasible" in the U.K., there were geographical, legal and business culture barriers to its success.