• Natural Gas News

    Reuters: Bayerngas says not to proceed with Nabucco talks



Germany's Bayerngas has stopped talks with Nabucco consortium on the possiblity of joining the project. Bayerngas is adjusting its strategy and will focus more on investing in pipelines in Germany.


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Press Notes

Reuters: Bayerngas says not to proceed with Nabucco talks

Germany's south-western regional gas supplier Bayerngas said on Monday it was not continuing talks with the Nabucco-West pipeline consortium, which could be in line to help transport Caspian region gas to Europe.

"We are not continuing the talks," a spokesman for the Bavarian company told Reuters, adding Bayerngas was adjusting its strategy and was more focused on investing in pipelines in Germany.

The Azeri gas and oil producer consortium Shah Deniz is expected to choose by mid-2013 whether to transport gas from its fields via the Nabucco-West pipeline or the rival Trans-Adriatic pipeline (TAP) into western Europe.

Bayerngas had been talking to the consortium since October 2011, but delays, possible cost overshoots and rival pipelines lessened the attractiveness of the plan, according to some critics.  MORE