• Natural Gas News

    Sputnik: US 'Frack Master' Urging UK to Ditch Enviro Concerns and Pursue Shale Gas



The CEO of U.S.-based Breitling Energy Corporation, Chris Faulkner, has urged UK Prime Minister David Cameron to pursue shale despite environmental objections

by: Erica Mills

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Press Notes

Sputnik: US 'Frack Master' Urging UK to Ditch Enviro Concerns and Pursue Shale Gas

The CEO of a leading American energy company, who is known as the 'frack master' has called on the British government to defy environmental concerns and push ahead with exploration of the country's shale oil and gas reserves.

Chris Faulkner, CEO of the Texas-based Breitling Energy Corporation, who is in the UK delivering a presentation on the state of the energy industry, urged Prime Minister David Cameron to secure the country's energy future by fracking the country's purported resources.

Read the full article HERE.