• Natural Gas News

    NYTimes: Britain Opens Door to More Shale Gas Drilling



British government to encourage the development of shale gas production with plans to award a new set of drilling licences in 2014 despite opposition from environmental groups.


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Press Notes

NYTimes: Britain Opens Door to More Shale Gas Drilling

The British government signaled on Tuesday that it was intensifying its efforts to encourage the development of shale gas production, with plans to award a new set of shale drilling licenses next year despite persistent opposition from environmental groups.

“Today marks the next step in unlocking the potential of shale gas in our energy mix,” Energy Minister Michael Fallon said in a statement on Tuesday. Britain’s Department of Energy and Climate Change, which regulates the oil and gas industry, said it was “currently making preparations” to offer the licenses.

Environmental groups have warned that shale gas development, done through hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, would swamp British villages with truck traffic, and pollute and waste enormous amounts of water. They also say that Britain and the world should be investing in renewable energy sources like wind and solar rather than opening up a new trove of fossil fuels.

“Real energy security in the U.K. can only be achieved through clean renewable sources and energy efficiency,” Greenpeace said on Tuesday. “Fracking is a dangerous distraction.”  MORE