• Natural Gas News

    Reuters: Britain Needs New Regulator for Shale Gas Industry to Take Off: Task Force



A task force set up to examine both the risks and benefits of shale in the UK says that the country needs a shale regulator & firms must engage with protesters

by: Erica Mills

Posted in:

Press Notes

Reuters: Britain Needs New Regulator for Shale Gas Industry to Take Off: Task Force

Britain needs a new regulator for onshore underground energy and shale gas companies must engage with local communities more effectively before a UK shale gas industry can be developed, a task force examining the sector said on Wednesday.

Several companies plan to explore for shale gas in Britain using hydraulic fracturing, known as fracking, which injects water, sand and chemicals into rocks to release hydrocarbons.

However, there is considerable local opposition to the process due to concerns about noise and environmental damage.

Read the full article HERE.