• Natural Gas News

    UPI: British government touts huge shale gas rewards



British Energy Minister Michael Fallon says that the UK s sitting on significant amounts of shale and the potential prize for energy security and investment is huge, giving companies incentive to step up the search.


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UPI: British government touts huge shale gas rewards

British Energy Minister Michael Fallon said the potential prize for energy companies taking an early interest in the country's shale potential may be huge.

"The U.K. is sitting on significant amounts of shale and the potential prize for energy security and investment is huge," he was quoted as saying Monday by The Daily Telegraph newspaper. "This gives companies the huge incentive to step up the search for shale and find out what is recoverable."

Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne said during an economic address Thursday he was proposing a new tax allowance to encourage investment in the country's emerging shale natural gas sector.  

The Daily Telegraph reported the government will unveil new rules this week for community kickbacks for shale, an upfront payment of about $160,000 and as much as 1 percent of the revenue generated from selling produced gas.  MORE