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    EurActiv: Bulgaria Lacks Political Will to Build Interconnectors, Says Commission



Brendan Devlin, advisor for the European Commission’s DG energy, said at a public event that Bulgaria lacks the will to bild interconnectors away from Russia

by: Erica Mills

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Press Notes

EurActiv: Bulgaria Lacks Political Will to Build Interconnectors, Says Commission

A Commission official said and repeated during a public event yesterday (5 March) that Bulgaria, which is almost 100% reliant on Russian gas, lacks the political will to build interconnectors with its neighbours and decrease its dependence.

Brendan Devlin, advisor in the Commission’s DG energy, spoke at a public event, organised by the Martens Centre for European Studies, a think-tank of the EPP party. Better energy interconnection between member states is a central part of the executive's plans to create an EU Energy Union. 

“There are a host of possibilities, but there are prevented from happening, not because of any physical problems, but because of regulatory constraints, and regulatory constraints are the result of political restraint, imposed by the governments of the region. It’s not a physical problem, it’s a failure of political will, and a failure to implement the Third Energy package in its entirety in the countries involved,” Devlin said.

Read the full article HERE.