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    Novinite: Bulgaria Opposition Blames PM for Not Attending Budapest Energy Talks



Opposition demands that Bulgarian PM explain why no government official was present at the energy meeting held by ministers of Eastern European countries


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Press Notes

Novinite: Bulgaria Opposition Blames PM for Not Attending Budapest Energy Talks

Bulgaria's Prime Minister should explain why no government official was present at the energy meeting held by ministers of Eastern European countries, the opposition believes.

Tuesday's event in Hungarian capital Budapest included ministers from Serbia, Greece, Macedonia, Turkey, and Hungary, who agreed to boost energy cooperation in the name of the "welfare of the citizens", according to their joint declaration.

Later the participants also announced they were ready and willing to enter the "Turkish Stream" gas pipeline project, an alternative to South Stream after Russia dropped the latter in December of last year.

According Yanaki Stoilov, a key member of the Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP), the absence of a Bulgarian representative is not a good sign.

Read the full article HERE