• Natural Gas News

    Focus: Gas hub is mechanism for straightening the security of natural gas supplies to Europe



Bulgarian PM Borisov says gas hub a key project in building single European Energy Market for overcoming energy dependency of the Southeastern Europe


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Press Notes

Focus: Gas hub is mechanism for straightening the security of natural gas supplies to Europe

The gas hub is a mechanism for strengthening the security of the natural gas supplies to Europe, which is main objective of the European Energy Union for consolidation of EU and economy partners’ abilities to negotiate with foreign gas suppliers. These emerged from the presentation made by Prime Minister Boyko Borisov, during the first sitting of a summit Group on the construction of gas connections in Central and Southeast Europe.

It stated further that this is a key project in building single European Energy Market for overcoming energy dependency of the Southeastern Europe, for liberalization, for setting competitive gas market for meeting the EU legislation, as well as for improving the cross-border network.

The presentation states that the construction of gas infrastructure provides Member States with natural gas at a competitive price, which is energy-efficient, environmentally friendly energy source and this will lead to increased energy efficiency. Energy Union should be designed to maximize the benefits of energy efficiency and meeting the consumption. In addition to energy efficiency, gas infrastructure allows reducing harmful gas emissions compared to those generated by thermal power plants, the presentation states further.

It also says that Bulgaria has met its targets for renewable energy sector, and that the modernization of the gas transmission network will allow the use of innovative technologies, moving to automatic control mode and balancing the gas transmission system.

Source: Focus Information Agency