• Natural Gas News

    EurActiv: A majority of Bulgarians want South Stream to be built



General opinion among Bulgarians is that Bulgaria and its people were simply used as the "pawn” in the chess power game of the EU/US vs Russian gas interests.


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Press Notes

EurActiv: A majority of Bulgarians want South Stream to be built

Vladimir Putin's sudden and unilateral decision to drop South Stream has been a major hit for Bulgaria.

Instead of bypassing Ukraine via Bulgaria and bringing Russian gas directly to southeastern Europe, the gas, he said, will be sent to Turkey under a project named Turkish Stream. In his words, Bulgaria had lost an opportunity to earn €400 million in annual gas transit fees and billions in investment.

The general opinion among Bulgarians is that Bulgaria and its people were simply used as the "pawn” in the chess power game of the EU/US vs Russian gas interests.