• Natural Gas News

    Canada’s ARC Resources expands certified gas position


Montney producer now has 95% of output certified by Equitable Origin. [Image: ARC Resources]

by: Dale Lunan

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Americas, Natural Gas & LNG News, Topics, Canada, News By Country

Canada’s ARC Resources expands certified gas position

Canadian Montney producer ARC Resources said May 11 it had boosted its portfolio of certified natural gas position, with EO100™ certification of its northeast BC assets, including Greater Dawson and Sunrise.

Combined with its previously-certified assets at Kakwa (acquired with Seven Generations Energy in 2021), ARC now holds the largest certified production base of any Canadian producer, with about 95% of its total production covered by EO100™.

“Top-decile environmental and social performance, transparency, and indigenous and stakeholder engagement will be imperative as the energy transition continues,” CEO Terry Anderson said. “Our certification validates our leadership in these areas and commitment to continuous improvement of our sustainability practices.”

ARC reported Q1 2022 natural gas production of 1.28bn ft3/day, up from 794mn ft3/day a year earlier (prior to the Seven Generations acquisition). During the quarter, it realised an average natural gas sales price of C$5.98/’000 ft3, up from C$4.60/’000 ft3 in Q1 2021.