• Natural Gas News

    Ottawa Citizen: Canadian gas can't help Ukraine



A lack of pipelines and other infrastructure means Canada has little hope of reaping any kind of energy or resource windfall from the crisis in Ukraine

by: Sruthi

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Press Notes

Ottawa Citizen: Canadian gas can't help Ukraine

A lack of pipelines and other infrastructure means Canada has little hope of reaping any kind of energy or resource windfall from the crisis in Ukraine, a group of international energy experts said Thursday.

Analysts and academics from Alberta, Europe and Ukraine itself say Canada remains the better part of a decade away from having the energy network necessary to be any kind of meaningful energy supplier in Europe.

The group was testifying Thursday before the House of Commons natural resources committee, which is exploring whether Canada's oil and gas could help wean Ukraine off its dependence on Russian energy.

"We're still left with a very serious infrastructure deficit," Geoff Hill, an oil and gas expert with Deloitte Canada, told the committee.