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    Ceasefire Holds As Russia, Ukraine Speak to Facilitate Settlement



The ceasefire between Ukraine and pro-Russian separatists holds on Tuesday, after the telephone conversation between Russia’s Putin and Ukraine’s Poroshenko

by: Sergio

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Natural Gas & LNG News, News By Country, Ukraine

Ceasefire Holds As Russia, Ukraine Speak to Facilitate Settlement

The ceasefire between Ukraine and pro-Russian separatists seem to hold on Tuesday, after the telephone conversation between Russia’s President Vladimir Putin and Ukraine’s President Petro Poroshenko. 

“Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation with President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko; the leaders continued to discuss steps to facilitate the peaceful settlement of the situation in southeast Ukraine. The dialogue will be continued,” reads a note released by the Kremlin on Tuesday.

While gas flows from the country remain in normal mode according to Slovakia’s Eustream, the country keeps injecting gas into its storage facilities. 

According to a statement released by Ukrtransgaz, Ukraine storage totalled 15,991.71 mcm of gas, more or less like Italy

‘Thus, the domestic storage facilities was filled to 50.05%. Injection of natural gas takes place in the optimal process conditions, according to the plan,’ said Ukrtransgaz.

The climate seems heading towards normalisation, as confirmed by Czech Republic.

According to a story published by Reuters, Prague is not aware of any event that could suggest an interruption of natural gas supplies from Russia.

Czech Industry and Trade Minster Jan Mladek’s declarations reminds the position advocated by Moscow, which dismissed as groundless Kiev’s claims that Moscow could halt gas flows to Europe. 

Meanwhile, according to reports, Rosneft is cutting staff and production and selling stakes in Siberian fields.