• Natural Gas News

    The Observer: If Centrica is prepared to risk earthquakes in Blackpool, big oil will want a share of shale



Expect to see more big names from the oil industry, such as Shell, ExxonMobil and Statoil, moving into the British shale sector now that one of their competitors – Centrica – has taken the plunge.


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Press Notes

The Observer: If Centrica is prepared to risk earthquakes in Blackpool, big oil will want a share of shale

Whether the UK can get shale gas flowing as fast as the US has remains in doubt, but Centrica seems ready to give it a try

Expect to see more big names from the oil industry, such as Shell, ExxonMobil and Statoil, moving into the British shale sector now that one of their competitors – Centrica – has taken the plunge. The international companies have always taken a keen interest in the UK fracking scene, despite endless statements from their chief executives that there are better prospects in China and elsewhere.

There is some speculation this weekend that the reason Centrica paid a fairly toppy price for the stake in the Bowland Shale licence from Cuadrilla Resources was because it faced competition from Shell and others.

It is not so much the geological uncertainty that made big oil hesitate in the past, but the fear of reputational damage. And as one of the industry players told the Observer: "That all changes now because Centrica has elected to become the lightning rod for the industry."