• Natural Gas News

    The Telegraph: Centrica to unveil shale gas drilling plans with Cuadrilla



The Telegraph report that Centrica will take a minority interest in Cuadrilla Resources and commit to drilling a series of six wells to test Britain’s shale gas potential.


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Press Notes

The Telegraph: Centrica to unveil shale gas drilling plans with Cuadrilla

Centrica will commit to drilling a series of six wells with fracking firm Cuadrilla to test Britain’s shale gas potential, in an investment totaling tens of millions of pounds, the Telegraph has learned.

The British Gas owner is preparing to buy a minority stake, thought to be close to 30pc, in the Bowland shale licence area, which stretches across 450 square miles of Lancashire between Blackpool and Preston.

Cuadrilla has said the area could contain 200 trillion cubic feet (tcf) of gas. Experts say that even if only 10pc could be recovered it could provide an important new source of gas for the UK, which uses about 3 tcf a year.   MORE