• Natural Gas News

    Cheniere highlights reduced emissions intensity in CRR


Scope 1 emissions intensity is down by 34% since 2016.

by: Dale Lunan

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Cheniere highlights reduced emissions intensity in CRR

US LNG provider Cheniere Energy released its 2021 corporate responsibility report on June 21, highlighted by a 34% reduction in its Scope 1 emissions intensity since 2016 and the delivery of 75% of its LNG production so far this year to Europe.

“The Cheniere team achieved significant milestones across our ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) initiatives last year, further demonstrating our leadership and focus on being actionable, not aspirational,” CEO Jack Fusco said. “Our conviction in our LNG platform has never been stronger, and we look forward to continuing to lead the LNG industry on environmental transparency, providing the world with a cleaner, more secure, and reliable energy solution.”

The report – Acting Today, Securing Tomorrow – aligns with recommendations from the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and the Sustainable Accounting Standards Board (SAAB), as well as with other leading reporting standards.

Among other highlights, Cheniere said 17% of annual compensation for all employees is now tied to ESG metrics, a level that will increase to 30% this year. 

And on the heels of a first-of-its-kind life-cycle assessment of greenhouse gas emissions associated with Cheniere’s operations and the implementation of a unique quantification, monitoring, reporting and verification (QMRV) collaboration with natural gas suppliers, the report notes long-awaited cargo emissions tags will finally be introduced later this year.