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    Sputnik: Chevron's Fracking Failure is People's Victory - Greenpeace Campaigner



A campaign coordinator for Greenpeace has said that Chevron's announced withdrawal from shale activity in Romania is a victory for the common people of Romania

by: Erica Mills

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Press Notes

Sputnik: Chevron's Fracking Failure is People's Victory - Greenpeace Campaigner

US energy giant Chevron announced a pullback from its projects in Romania on Friday, after continuous protests in the country against controversial shale gas extraction techniques.

"[It is] mostly a victory of the common people, the villagers, who stood up for their villages, for their land and their children against both the careless corporates and the Romanian Government (which has acted in support of these corporates, not in its citizens’ interests, as it is supposed to)," Alexandru Riza, Greenpeace Romania campaign coordinator, told Sputnik.

Previously Chevron announced that it had halted projects in Poland, as well as the termination of shale gas agreements in Ukraine and Lithuania. Therefore, withdrawal from Romania will mean an end to the company's European operations.

Read the full article HERE.