• Natural Gas News

    WBJ: Chevron to withdraw from Poland?



Bogusław Sonik, a member of the European Parliament and a Civic Platform politician, said Chevron group could withdraw from investments in shale gas in Poland if the country does not change one of its regulations for the sector by the end of 2013.


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Press Notes

WBJ: Chevron to withdraw from Poland?

Bogusław Sonik, a member of the European Parliament and a Civic Platform politician, said Chevron group could withdraw from investments in shale gas in Poland if the country does not change one of its regulations for the sector by the end of 2013.

The key issue is a regulation that went into force in 2010 and defines conditions for drilling deeper than 1,000 meters, which the company plans to do. According to the regulation, even when an existing borehole has to be extended, a new permit should be obtained. Shale gas firms have been asking the government to change this law for the past three years, Rzeczpospolita wrote.

In an official statement sent to Rzeczpospolita, Chevron said that it is not withdrawing from Poland. “We have a drilling schedule which we want to carry out,” the statement rad.

However, if Chevron does decide to withdraw from Poland, as Mr Sonik is suggesting, it would be the fourth company to do so in recent months.  MORE