• Natural Gas News

    Rigzone: China's CBM Industry: Slow and Steady Progress



Full-fledged commercial production is still a few years away as the Chinese state remains rightly cautious about building a solid base of technology and infrastructure to nurture this inchoate industry.


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Rigzone: China's CBM Industry: Slow and Steady Progress

Like gas seeping out of coal seams under the earth, China's coalbed methane (CBM) industry is showing signs of steadfast rise despite challenges expounded upon by Rigzone in April. The awarding of the first ever overall development plan (ODP) has excited the existing players in the industry, with a few of them gearing up for commercial production by 2013.

CBM in China's Energy Landscape
CBM, also commonly known as coal mine methane (CMM), falls under the category of non-conventional natural gas. Non-conventional natural gas refers to the occurrence of natural gas that cannot be exploited, either commercially or technologically, by current extraction methods that are used for conventional gas reservoirs. China has one of the world's largest reserves of CBM, mostly located in Shanxi and Shaanxi provinces.  MORE