• Natural Gas News

    WSJ: China Gets Cozier With Russian Gas



China and Russia are adding fuel to their natural-gas fire. It’s a potential deal that could burn the oxygen out of the room for other gas producers.

by: Sruthi

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Press Notes

WSJ: China Gets Cozier With Russian Gas

China and Russia are adding fuel to their natural-gas fire. It’s a potential deal that could burn the oxygen out of the room for other gas producers.

Six months after Russia secured a final agreement to sell $400 billion of natural gas to China for 30 years through eastern Siberia, state-run Gazprom and its counterpart China National Petroleum Corporation are discussing another pact, this time for gas from western Siberia.

It’s a sign of Moscow’s desperation to secure new energy sales. After foreign-policy forays heightened risks in Gazprom’s traditional market in Europe, cheap oil has squeezed Russian revenues.