• Natural Gas News

    China plans methane emissions action plan


Beijing has agreed to increase cooperation with Washington on addressing climate change.

by: Joseph Murphy

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China plans methane emissions action plan

China plans to publish a nationwide action plan for controlling its methane emissions, Reuters reported on November 25 citing the country's environment ministry.

China has not joined the US-led initiative of over 100 countries to curb methane emissions by 30% by 2030, but Beijing has agreed with Washington on increasing cooperation addressing climate change, including by taking action on methane. China and the US are the two largest greenhouse gas emitters.

"The formulation of a methane action plan is ... an important work of China's active response to climate change strategy, and an important measure to implement the Sino-US joint declaration," a senior official at China's environment ministry told a news brief, according to Reuters.

Globally, the agriculture is responsible for the largest share of anthropogenic methane emissions, but the oil and gas industry and waste management are also significant contributors. While far more potent a greenhouse gas than CO2, methane also remains in the atmosphere for much shorter a time, meaning efforts to reduce it can result in faster benefits.