• Natural Gas News

    China's Turkmen Gas Imports Reach 300 bcm



China’s imports of natural gas from Turkmenistan exceeded 30 billion cubic meters (bmc) in the last 900 days using the Central-Asia pipeline, media reports said.

by: Shardul

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China's Turkmen Gas Imports Reach 300 bcm

China’s imports of natural gas from Turkmenistan exceeded 30 billion cubic meters (bmc) in the last 900 days using the Central-Asia pipeline, media reports said.

About 10.7 bcm came from the CNPC (Turkmenistan) Amu Darya River Gas Co, and Turkmenistan's Natural Gas Konzern supplied the remaining 19.3 bcm, China National Petroleum Corp said on its website, China Daily reported.

PetroChina Co, CNPC's listed arm, plans toimport 24.1 bcm of natural gas from Central Asia this year. That will make up 86 percent of its total imports, according to Zhou Jiping, vice- chairman of PetroChina Co, the newspaper reported.

CNPC and Turkmen gas authorities agreed in 2008 to raise total annual exports to China to 40 bcm by 2015.

The trans-Asia pipeline transports the gas from giant reserves in the Central Asian republic, through Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan, and into China’s northwest Xinjiang region.