• Natural Gas News

    Clean Energy signs RNG supply deal with transit fleet


California RNG provider will supply fleet operated by San Diego Metro Transit Service. [Image credit: Business Wire]

by: Dale Lunan

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Americas, Natural Gas & LNG News, United States, News By Country

Clean Energy signs RNG supply deal with transit fleet

California renewable natural gas (RNG) developer Clean Energy Fuels said January 24 it had been awarded a contract to supply 86mn gallons/year of RNG to the San Diego Metro Transit System (MTS).

The contract, awarded after a competitive solicitation, will fuel a fleet of 595 RNG buses operated by MTS.

“San Diego MTS was an early adopter of natural gas in the 1990s and has continued to seek cleaner and more economical fueling options,” Clean Energy senior vice president Chad Lindholm said. “As a result of the use of RNG the people who live in the San Diego area will have less exposure to greenhouse gas emissions and cleaner air.”

By operating on RNG instead of diesel, Clean Energy estimates the MTS fleet will reduce CO2 emissions by about 73,792 metric tons/year.

Elsewhere, Clean Energy said it signed an agreement with Houston-based energy logistics provider Filamar Energy Services to supply 4.2mn gallons/year of compressed natural gas (CNG) to fuel Filamar’s fleet of 50 heavy-duty trucks. The fleet will be supported by a new CNG station to be built by Clean Energy inb Hennessey, Oklahoma.

And Denver International Airport has contracted with Clean Energy to upgrade five fuelling facilities that will provide 95 natural gas vehicles with an estimated 5mn gallons of RNG. The new stations are expected to be completed later this year.