• Natural Gas News

    FT: Close coal power stations to meet carbon targets, says report



Carbon Connect calls for more incentives to ensure that gas power generation capacity is maintained during the 2020s while coal-fuelled generation is minimised. This is the most environmentally friendly way of bolstering nuclear and sustainable electricity supplies.


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Press Notes

FT: Close coal power stations to meet carbon targets, says report

Closing Britain’s coal-fired power stations should continue if the government is to meet carbon cutting targets, according to a cross-party report.

It argued that gas power generation could providing enough capacity to avoid anenergy crunch in the next decade,

The report, by Carbon Connect , an independent cross-party forum co-chaired by Charles Hendry, a former energy minister, and Lady Worthington, Labour’s energy and climate change spokeswoman in the Lords, calls for more incentives to ensure that gas power generation capacity is maintained during the 2020s while coal-fuelled generation is minimised. This is the most environmentally friendly way of bolstering nuclear and sustainable electricity supplies, it saidMORE