• Natural Gas News

    Energy Voice: Oil pioneer gets third licence to tap coal gas



Cluff Natural Resources receives a third licence to tap coal reserves “stranded” under the Firth of Forth.


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Press Notes

Energy Voice: Oil pioneer gets third licence to tap coal gas

The investment company set up by oil pioneer Algy Cluff has been handed a third licence to tap coal reserves “stranded” under the Firth of Forth.

Cluff Natural Resources (CNR) has ploughed ahead with plans to develop Britain’s first offshore Underground Coal Gasification (UCG) project in recent times, despite opposition from environmentalists, who feel the methods used are unsafe and require further testing.

UCG involves pumping oxygen and water through a borehole to turn the fossil fuel into synthetic gas, which can then be converted into hydrogen, methane, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide.

The award of the Frances licence in the firth takes CNR’s portfolio of UK-based UCG assets to nine, covering 266,000sq miles.

Read the full article HERE