• Natural Gas News

    Scotsman: Cluff heralds new North Sea offshore coal project



Cluff Natural Resources hope to tap into coal supplies under the North sea bed using a system known as underground coal gasification (UCG),


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Scotsman: Cluff heralds new North Sea offshore coal project

A COMPANY hoping to revolutionise Britain’s energy provision by tapping into coal supplies under the sea bed will apply for planning permission within months to build a demonstrator project on the Firth of Forth.

Cluff Natural Resources, led by North Sea veteran Algy Cluff, specialises in a system known as underground coal gasification (UCG), which it says could eventually replace conventional gas and give the North Sea energy industry a new lease of life. If the application succeeds, the £15 million project will be the first time UCG has been attempted off-shore, and could pave the way for a much larger investment.

Cluff said UCG, which involves partially burning large seams of coal underground to produce a mixture known as syngas, could bring much-needed energy security to the UK as gas from conventional sources dwindles.