• Natural Gas News

    FT: Coalition eyes plans to allow fracking under private land



New proposals to be included in the Queen's Speech will attempt to change trespass laws to make it easier for companies to explore for shale gas in Britain.


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Press Notes

FT: Coalition eyes plans to allow fracking under private land

Exploration companies would be given powers to drill under privately owned land as part of government plans to kick-start Britain’s nascent fracking industry.

The coalition is working on proposals, to be included in the Queen’s Speech next month, to change trespass laws to make it easier for companies to explore for shale gas.

We’re looking at primary legislation. We want to streamline the rules and get this thing off the ground,” said one senior government figure.

“It is not a done deal but a huge amount of work has been done,” another government figure involved in discussions told the Financial Times.

Under the proposals, new rules on trespass would form part of an Infrastructure Bill in the Queen’s Speech. A final decision has not yet been taken but both Michael Fallon, the business minister and Ed Davey, the energy secretary, are said to be on board.

Exploration companies have warned that environmental groups could use existing trespass laws to create a “legal blockade” to fracking.  MORE