• Natural Gas News

    Evening Times: Concern over fracking



UK Government recently carried out a consultation on proposals to make life easier for the fossil fuel industry which is keen to begin fracking in Scotland.

by: Sruthi

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Press Notes

Evening Times: Concern over fracking

The UK Government recently carried out a consultation on proposals to make life easier for the fossil fuel industry which is keen to begin fracking in Scotland.

This controversial technique involves drilling hundreds of metres below ground and injecting a chemical cocktail to fracture underground rocks and release shale gas.

It has caused huge environmental damage in the US, and has also provoked direct action in the UK when community activists and environmental campaigners joined forces in the Balcombe area in Sussex to oppose test drilling by the company Cuadrilla.

Now, within a week of Scotland's referendum the Tory/LibDem coalition has agreed to pass laws to let fracking companies drill below people's homes without consent.