• Natural Gas News

    Financial Times: Cost advantage fuels demand for coal



Mark Lewis, head of commodities research at Deutsche Bank comments: how long [the use of coal instead of gas] will last. It could change by the first quarter of next year if the EU reaches agreement to remove a significant portion of carbon allowances . . . this could increase carbon allowance prices”


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Press Notes

Financial Times: Cost advantage fuels demand for coal

Europe has strict policies to promote forms of low-carbon energy but demand for coal, the dirtiest fuel for making electricity, has grown this year as that for less-polluting gas has shrunk. The reason is simple: price.

Germany’s RWE told investors in August it had produced most of its electricity from coal plants in the first half of the year. Gas consumption, it said, stagnated in Germany and fell about 30 per cent in the UK due to worsening “market-conditions”.  MORE